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With Directive 2009/28/EC the European Parliament and Council have laid the grounds for the policy framework for renewable energies until 2020. Aim of this project has been to look more closely beyond 2020 by designing and evaluating feasible pathways of a harmonised European policy framework for supporting an enhanced exploitation of renewable electricity in particular, and RES in general. Strategic objectives have been to contribute to the forming of a European vision of a joint future RES policy framework in the mid- to long-term and to provide guidance on improving policy design.

The work has comprised a detailed elaboration of feasible policy approaches for a harmonisation of RES support in Europe, involving five different policy paths - i.e. uniform quota, quota with technology banding, fixed feed-in tariff, feed-in premium, no further dedicated RES support besides the ETS. A thorough impact assessment has been undertaken to assess and contrast different instruments as well as corresponding design elements. This has involved a quantitative model-based analysis of future RES deployment and corresponding cost and expenditures based on the Green-X model and a detailed qualitative analysis, focussing on strategic impacts as well as political practicability and guidelines for juridical implementation. Aspects of policy design have been assessed in a broader context by deriving prerequisites for and trade-offs with the future European electricity market. The overall assessment has focussed on the period beyond 2020, however also a closer look on the transition phase before 2020 has been taken.

The final outcome is a fine-tailored policy package, offering a concise representation of key outcomes, a detailed comparison of pros and cons of each policy pathway and roadmaps for practical implementation. The project has been embedded in an intense and interactive dissemination framework consisting of regional and topical workshops, stakeholder consultation and a final conference.


Final products available for your disposal: Summary and final report, roadmaps for practical implementation
(Date: 01-04-2014)
The beyond2020 project has come to an end, and we gratefully acknowledge the proactive participation of stakeholders at various events and meetings. A broad set of information on feasible policy pathways for a support of RES (electricity) in Europe beyond 2020 has been compiled throughout the course of this action.
Key outcomes and recommendations are applicable in the Summary report while the comprehensive Final report offers further insights on the topics assessed. The electronic versions of these and all other detailed topical reports are available at the Downloads section. Please note further that hardcopies of the Summary and/or the Final report can be ordered (free of charge), simply send an email to resch@eeg.tuwien.ac.at

Past events: Presentations from regional dissemination workshops and final conference available
(Date: 07-11-2013)
On 22 October 2013, the final conference took place in Brussels. Key outcomes and recommendations of the assessment of feasible policy pathways for a support of RES (electricity) in Europe beyond 2020 were discussed with a broad set of stakeholders, providing useful input for the final steps to be taken within this project. Moreover, this conference was accompanied by two dissemination workshops in order to better incorporate regional views and specifics. Please note that all presentations are applicable at the Events section.

Draft summary report etc. available: Your feedback is highly welcomed!
(Date: 07-11-2013)
A series of reports have been compiled recently. Among others this includes a (draft) summary report, presenting key outcomes and findings of the beyond2020 project and a report on the impacts of RES policy design on electricity markets. The electronic versions of these reports are available at the Downloads section.

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General contact for more infomation: resch@eeg.tuwien.ac.at
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